We are carving new paths. Learning new ways in which we can show up for ourselves and our communities. We are being shown where things are not working. It shows up in our work, our health and our relationships. It can feel uncomfortable to see where the universe has blocked us from repeating our habits and patterns, our familiar ways of showing up in life.
We may ask, “why is this happening?” We can immediately immerse ourselves in the feeling of fear. It is not to punish us or to show us we are wrong. It can be an indicator that we are ready to grow and evolve. We are ready to learn something new. The universe is showing us an opportunity to receive more love, more abundance, better relationships.
The universe is daring you to see yourself as more. Inviting you to discard old ways, old thought patterns. To carve a new path.
I invite you to connect with your Future Self. To see yourself as the universe sees you-a being capable of transformation and evolution. A being deserving of greater abundance, greater love and greater purpose.
By connecting with our Future Self, we can immerse ourselves in what is possible.
Culminations of your efforts now can be felt and expressed by astrological shifts that occur in mid-November and reverberate through the coming year.
Sending you all big love and blessings.