Intuitive Healing Session
$225, 60 minute session
Remote only via zoom. Client receives recording of session, transcript upon request.
Remote session. Using medical intuitive, channeling, and shamanic skills, I scan the emotional, physical and energetic body. Includes removal of energetic blocks, chords, chakra rebuild and auric body sealing. Other healing modalities or tools may be suggested to support the healing process. Client receives a voice recording of the healing session via email. When booking, please provide a short description of the issue.
Intuitive Coaching Session
$225, 60 minute session
Remote only, via zoom audio. Client receives recording or transcript upon request.
Remote session via zoom audio. Client receives recording of session, transcript upon request.
Assisting clients in moving through difficulties on their spiritual path. Other modalities of support may be recommended to support you on your journey.
Channeling Session with White Hawk of the Star Nations
$225, 60 minute session
Remote only. Client receives audio recording or transcript upon request.
White Hawk has been my guide since the beginning of my spiritual awakening. He has been my teacher and mentor in this lifetime and many others. We share a deep soul family bond, a love for Mother Gaia and the human race. After completing a series of deep ancestral healing sessions I learned that White Hawk originates from the Star Nations. The Star Nations serve as ambassadors to various planetary races and assist them to navigate the evolution of their collective consciousness. The Star Nations are comprised of many benevolent galactic higher density beings in the universe that promote peace, unconditional love and encourage the development of societies based on respect, free will and the conscious application of Universal and Spiritual Laws. Star Nations channeling include the frequencies of Pleadian, Arcturian, Venusian, Lyran, Sirius B, and Andromedan soul groups.
Clients receive a voice recording of the channeled session to keep and listen to as often as needed.
When booking, please provide a short description of the issue to set the intent for your session.